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Neo4j ODBC & JDBC Driver

Bring the Power of Graph Data to Popular Business Intelligence Tools

Current Versions JDBC 1.0.7
Neo4j ODBC Driver

Light up features in your analytic application of choice by connecting to your Neo4J graph data with Simba’s Neo4J ODBC and JDBC Drivers with SQL Connector.

Use SQL to access Neo4J data from analytic applications such as Microsoft Excel, Power BI, SAP Cloud for Analytics, QlikView, Tableau and more.

The Simba Neo4j ODBC & JDBC Drivers with SQL Connector provide an interface for executing SQL queries against a Neo4j instance. The ODBC & JDBC drivers expose a virtual relational schema for BI Applications such as Tableau, PowerBI and excel that expect a relational database, and which know how to build & execute SQL queries.

The driver takes a SQL query input from the BI tool and translates it into a Cypher query. The Cypher query is executed against the database via a standard Bolt connection.


Access Neo4j data via SQL from analytic applications such as Tableau and others
Catalog and schema support to maximize compatibility with analytic applications
JDBC Driver compliant with the latest JDBC 4.2 specifications
SQL query translation to native Cypher query language
Automatic schema generation of relational tables to expose Neo4j data in tabular form
For nodes, each distinct combination of node labels is represented as a tables
For relationships, each distinct combination of source label, relationship type, and target label is represented as a table
Extensive performance improvements through passing down join, aggregation, distinct, filter, top, and sort operations via Neo4j native Cypher query
Seamless mapping and coercion between Neo4j data types and SQL data types


Support for Neo4j 3.5, 4.0 and 4.1 server
Connects via Neo4j native API and APOC procedures
Supports the Bolt scheme for connection
Supports ANSI SQL-92
Complies with the latest 4.2 specification
Supports Unicode
Neo4j data types are mapped to SQL data types
Supports industry-standard versions of TLS/SSL


User Guides, Release Notes and FAQs.

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